1. Open to all bowlers who are 18 years old and USBC certified.
2. The Handicap will be based on 80% of 220. Bowlers will use their USBC Highest average for 2022/ 2023 Winter Season average. Minimum average will be 150 for men and 125 for women. After 16 games have been established in CVM, you will then carry a CVM club average for the duration of tournaments, and/or season. CVM average will carry over to new seasons. 10 pin drop rule applies to anyone that does not have a club avg. You cannot drop your book avg more than 10 pins a year.
3. 100% of prize fund returned.
4. Tournaments payoff based on 1:6.
5. Qualifying for the semifinals will also be on an 1-for-6 basis .Qualifying scores are not carried over into Semifinals.
6. Late arrivals will receive “0″ for all missed frames.
7. All score sheets must be signed. Failure to do so will make scores subject to
8. All bowling equipment used must meet USBC specifications. Equipment may be
randomly checked by Tournament Director.
9. CVM Dress Code applies. NO culottes, split skirts, hunting pants, army fatigues, jogging pants, sweat pants, hats or caps will be allowed. Bowlers may wear a shirt with their bowling club, and/or name on the back. Sponsors name and/or design may also be on shirt.
10. All bowlers accessory items (rosin bags, etc.) must be kept behind the bowlers settee area at all times.
No foreign substance, alcohol included, may be applied to ball surface once bowling begins.
12. Max Score is 300 for that game For Side Pots and brackets.
13. No prize will be paid on-site until verification is completed.
14. CVM reserves the right to revoke any person's entry, and/or re-rate any person's average at any time.
15. All rules not covered will be governed CVM “Policies and Procedures” and USBC Tournament Rules. All decisions by the
Tournament Director will be considered final.
16. After an entry has been received and the lanes assigned by the Tournament Director, the entry fee cannot be refunded.
17. Squads may be added or changed based on lane availability.
18. All tournaments will be USBC sanctioned events.
19. Rule 400 applies to any youth bowlers that bowl in a CVM tournament must sign a waiver and all prize money goes to their SMART account for their scholarships.
Any flagrant outbursts or unsportsmanlike conduct demonstrated by any member during any competition is grounds for immediate dismissal, disqualification, or suspension. These outbursts and/or unsportsmanlike conduct include but are not limited to negative attitudes,
slapping off shots during qualifying rounds or in other bowlers approach and/or delivery, personal attacks or threats to other bowlers, etc. Speaking negatively about the Central Valley Masters tournament or recruiting CVM bowlers for other tournaments on the same
date as an CVM tournament will not be tolerated at the CVM tournament site. The tournament director, or acting tournament director, will have the final say on what action to take during the tournament. However, fines and penalties can and will be issued at the director and coordinators discretion.
First offense is disqualification from the tournament with no returned entry fees.
Second offense is tournament suspension for one tournament with loss of free entries.
Third offense is suspension of membership for one (1) year with loss of any free entries for the year.